Archive for March 2023 – Page 2

Claiming losses on depreciated or worthless stock

Have you bought stock in a company that later dropped in value? While you may prefer to forget such an ill-fated investment, at least you can claim a capital loss deduction on your tax return. Here are the rules that apply when a stock you own is sold at a loss or becomes completely worthless.

Stock sales produce capital losses 

Stocks are capital assets and produce capital gains or losses when they’re sold. Your capital gains and losses for the year must be netted against one another in a specific order, based on whether they’re short-term (held one year or less) or long-term (held for more than one year).

If, after netting, you have short-term or long-term losses (or both), you can use them to offset up to $3,000 of ordinary income ($1,500 for married taxpayers filing separately). Any loss in excess of this limit is carried forward to later years, until all of it is either offset against capital gains or deducted against ordinary income in those years, subject to the $3,000 limit. If you have both net short-term losses and net long-term losses, the net short-term losses are used to offset ordinary income before the net long-term losses are used.

If you’ve realized capital gains during the year from stock or other asset sales, consider selling some of your losing positions to offset the gains. A good tax strategy is to sell enough losing stock to shelter your earlier gains and generate a $3,000 loss, since this is the maximum loss that can be used to offset ordinary income each year.

Wash sale rule 

If you believe that a stock you own will recover but want to sell now in order to lock in a tax loss, be aware of the wash sale rule. Under it, if you sell stock at a loss and buy substantially identical stock back within the 30-day period before or after the sale date, you can’t claim the loss for tax purposes. In order to claim the loss, you must buy the new shares outside of the period that begins 30 days before and ends 30 days after the sale of the loss stock.

Worthless stock 

In some cases, stock you own may have become completely worthless. If so, you can claim a loss equal to your basis in the stock, which is generally what you paid for it. The stock is treated as though it had been sold on the last day of the tax year. This date is important because it determines whether your capital loss is long-term or short-term.

Stock shares become worthless when they have no liquidation value, because the corporation’s liabilities exceed its assets, and no potential value, because the business has no reasonable hope of becoming profitable. A stock can be worthless even if the corporation hasn’t declared bankruptcy. Conversely, stock may still have value even after a bankruptcy filing, if the corporation continues operating and the stock continues trading.

You may not discover that a stock has become worthless until after you’ve filed your tax return for the year of worthlessness. In that case, you can amend your return for that year to claim a credit or refund due to the loss. This can be done for seven years from the date your original return was due, or two years from the date you paid the tax, whichever is later.

Special situation

Other rules may apply. For example, if you’re a victim of a Ponzi-type investment scheme, you may be able to mitigate your financial loss by taking advantage of special tax relief available. Let us know if you have any questions.

© 2023

Under tax law, businesses can generally deduct advertising and marketing expenses that help keep existing customers and bring in new ones. This valuable tax deduction can help businesses cut their taxes.

However, in order to be deductible, advertising and marketing expenses must be “ordinary and necessary.” As one taxpayer recently learned in U.S. Tax Court, not all expenses are eligible. An ordinary expense is one that’s common and accepted in the industry. And a necessary expense is one that’s helpful and appropriate for the business.

According to the IRS, here are some advertising expenses that are usually deductible:

  • Reasonable advertising expenses that are directly related to the business activities.
  • An expense for the cost of institutional or goodwill advertising to keep the business name before the public if it relates to a reasonable expectation to gain business in the future. For example, the cost of advertising that encourages people to contribute to the Red Cross or to participate in similar causes is usually deductible.
  • The cost of providing meals, entertainment, or recreational facilities to the public as a means of advertising or promoting goodwill in the community.

Facts of the recent case

An attorney deducted his car-racing expenses and claimed they were advertising for his personal injury law practice. He contended that his racing expenses, totaling over $303,000 for six tax years, were deductible as advertising because the car he raced was sponsored by his law firm.

The IRS denied the deductions and argued that the attorney’s car racing wasn’t an ordinary and necessary expense paid or incurred while carrying on his business of practicing law. The Tax Court agreed with the IRS.

When making an ordinary and necessary determination for an expense, most courts look to the taxpayer’s primary motive for incurring the expense and whether there’s a “proximate” relationship between the expense and the taxpayer’s occupation. In this case, the taxpayer’s car-racing expenses were neither necessary nor common for a law practice, so there was no “proximate” relationship between the expense and the taxpayer’s occupation. And, while the taxpayer said his primary motive for incurring the expense was to advertise his law business, he never raced in the state where his primary law practice was located and he never actually got any legal business from his car-racing activity.

The court noted that the car “sat in his garage” after he returned to the area where his law practice was located. The court added that even if the taxpayer raced in that area, “we would not find his expenses to be legitimate advertising expenses. His name and a decal for his law firm appeared in relatively small print” on his car.

This form of “signage,” the court stated, “is at the opposite end of the spectrum from (say) a billboard or a newspaper ad. Indeed, every driver’s name typically appeared on his or her racing car.” (TC Memo 2023-18)

Keep meticulous records

There are no deductions allowed for personal expenses or hobbies. But as explained above, you can deduct ordinary and necessary advertising and marketing expenses in a bona fide business. The key to protecting your deductions is to keep meticulous records to substantiate them. Contact us with questions about your situation.

© 2023

You generally must pay federal tax on all income you receive but there are some exceptions when you can exclude it. For example, compensatory awards and judgments for “personal physical injuries or physical sickness” are free from federal income tax under the tax code. This includes amounts received in a lawsuit or a settlement and in a lump sum or in installments.

But as taxpayers in two U.S. Tax Court cases learned, not all awards are tax-free. For example, punitive damages and awards for unlawful discrimination or harassment are taxable. And the tax code states that “emotional distress shall not be treated as a physical injury or physical sickness.”

Here are the facts of the two cases.

Case #1: Payment was for personal injuries, not physical injuries

A taxpayer received a settlement of more than $327,000 from his former employer in connection with a lawsuit. He and his spouse didn’t report any part of the settlement on their joint tax return for the year in question. The IRS determined the couple owed taxes and penalties of more than $119,000 as a result of not including the settlement payment in their gross income.

Although the settlement agreement provided the payment was “for alleged personal injuries,” the Tax Court stated there was no evidence that it was paid on account of physical injuries or sickness. The court noted that the taxpayer’s complaint against the employer “alleged only violations of (state) labor and antidiscrimination laws, wrongful termination, breach of contract, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.”

The taxpayer argued that he had a physical illness that caused his employer to terminate him. But he didn’t provide a “direct causal link” between the illness and the settlement payment. Therefore, the court ruled, the amount couldn’t be excluded from his gross income. (TC Memo 2022-90)

Case #2: Legal malpractice payment doesn’t qualify for exclusion

This case began when the taxpayer was injured while at a hospital receiving medical treatment. She sued for negligence but lost her case. She then sued her attorneys for legal malpractice.

She received $125,000 in a settlement of her lawsuit against the attorneys. The amount was not reported on her tax return for the year in question. The IRS audited the taxpayer’s return and determined that the $125,000 payment should have been included in gross income. The tax agency issued her a bill for more than $32,000 in taxes and penalties.

The taxpayer argued that the payment was received “on account of personal physical injuries or physical sickness” because if it wasn’t for her former attorneys’ allegedly negligent representation, she “would have received damages from the hospital.” The IRS argued the amount was taxable because it was for legal malpractice and not for physical injuries. The U.S. Tax Court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the IRS. (Blum, 3/23/22)

Strict requirements

As you can see, the requirements for tax-free income from a settlement are strict. If you receive a court award or out-of-court settlement, consult with us about the tax implications.

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